I believe that everyone deserves the best deal possible at every stage in their lives. This means the right to a top-quality education regardless of your circumstances, the right to a safe and affordable home, the right to fair pay and protections against exploitative employers, the right to publicly delivered and timely healthcare, and the right to leave behind an environment future generations can continue to benefit from.

During the election, I campaigned on several pledges: to protect the most vulnerable from the cost-of-living crisis, to invest in green energy and support buried grid connections to preserve our countryside, to defend the NHS’s founding principles of publicly delivered healthcare, to create opportunities for young people here at home, and to make sure Wales gets its fair share of funding.

I also campaigned to create a constituency cabinet made up of colleges, employers, businesses, unions, young people and voluntary organisations to harness local knowledge, deepen democratic engagement, and attract investment. I will always support the farmers and small businesses that form the foundations of our local economy.

I believe in openness, transparency, and accountability in politics, which is why I have my full list of campaign pledges below for you to see.


Credaf fod pawb yn haeddu’r orau bosibl ar bob cam o’u bywydau. Mae hyn yn golygu’r hawl i addysg o’r safon uchaf waeth beth fo’ch amgylchiadau, yr hawl i gartref diogel a fforddiadwy, yr hawl i gyflog teg ac amddiffyniadau rhag camfanteisio ar weithwyr, yr hawl i ofal iechyd amserol a ddarperir yn gyhoeddus, a’r hawl i adael amgylchedd y gall cenedlaethau’r dyfodol barhau i elwa ohono.

Yn ystod yr etholiad, bûm yn ymgyrchu ar sawl addewid: amddiffyn y rhai mwyaf bregus rhag yr argyfwng costau byw, buddsoddi mewn ynni gwyrdd a chefnogi cysylltiadau grid tanddaearol i warchod ein cefn gwlad, amddiffyn egwyddorion sylfaenol y GIG o ddarparu gofal iechyd yn gyhoeddus, i greu cyfleoedd i bobl ifanc yn ein hardal, ac i wneud yn siŵr bod Cymru’n cael ei chyfran deg o gyllid.

Ymgyrchais hefyd i greu cabinet etholaethol yn cynnwys colegau, cyflogwyr, busnesau, undebau, pobl ifanc a sefydliadau gwirfoddol i harneisio gwybodaeth leol, dyfnhau ymgysylltiad democrataidd, a denu buddsoddiad. Byddaf bob amser yn cefnogi’r ffermwyr a’r busnesau bach, sy’n ffurfio sylfeini ein heconomi leol.

Rwy’n credu mewn bod yn agored, yn dryloyw, ac mewn atebolrwydd mewn gwleidyddiaeth, a dyna pam rwyf wedi cynnwys rhestr lawn o fy addewidion ymgyrchu isod i chi eu gweld.

Protect the most vulnerable from the cost-of-living crisis.
Protect the most vulnerable from the cost-of-living crisis.
Invest in green energy and tackle the climate emergency.
Invest in green energy and tackle the climate emergency.
Defend the NHS
Defend the NHS' founding principles of publicly delivered healthcare.
Create opportunities for young people here at home.
Create opportunities for young people here at home.
Make sure Wales gets its fair share.
Make sure Wales gets its fair share.
Support our small business owners and farmers.
Support our small business owners and farmers.
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